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Opening Times
Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM-6:00PM, Friday: 8:00AM-5:30PM, Saturday: 8:00AM-4:30PM, Sunday: CLOSED



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Behavioral Health

Your Physical and Mental Health Go Hand in Hand

Our primary health providers believe that a patient's mental health is essential to overall wellness. That’s why Behavioral Health is incorporated into our primary care services.

During your primary care appointment, we may ask some general questions to see how you are doing with life, family, work, housing, food security, and more. If you share concerns about depression, anxiety, substance use, or other stress influencing your quality of life, we can refer you to an NBCH Behavioral Health professional for services.

Our Behavioral Health Team offers compassionate and coordinated care to help you cope with life’s challenges such as relationship difficulties, parenting support, stress reduction, trauma recovery, and grief. We work closely with medical and dental providers at NBCH to ensure a team approach to your wellness. We offer a safe space for care; we will connect you with an interpreter to make sure you receive and can participate in your care in the language you are most comfortable.

We Treat Most Diagnoses, Including But Not Limited To:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Substance use (OBAT)
  • Schizophrenia

The NBCH Behavioral Health team cares for NBCH patients at our Health Center located in Downtown New Bedford, and online or by phone using telehealth.

a person sitting with her hands on her chin
two women talking

Some of Our Behavioral Health Services Include:

  • Short-term, targeted treatment during difficult or transitional times in your life
  • Individual therapy for both children and adults
  • Medication management
  • Treatment for patients with substance use disorder

You can review all NBCH’s behavioral health treatment options with your care team members, to receive the care that fits you and your life best.

For more information, please talk to your primary care provider about a referral to Behavioral Health. You may do this during a visit or by sending a MyChart message; or you may call (508) 992-6553 to schedule a visit or phone call with your PCP.

Our Behavioral Health Providers