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Opening Times
Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM-6:00PM, Friday: 8:00AM-5:30PM, Saturday: 8:00AM-4:30PM, Sunday: CLOSED



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Administration & Leadership

Leading Accessible Healthcare for All

New Bedford Community Health believes that all people deserve high-quality, accessible healthcare – no matter their ability to pay. Our leadership team’s diverse backgrounds and strategic problem-solving guide our organization’s efforts to increase healthcare accessibility in the community. We serve more than 21,000 patients and their families every year because of their effective leadership and strategy.

The executive and senior leadership teams are responsible for ensuring financial stability, strategic growth planning, maintaining a diverse workforce, and utilizing information technology to improve quality and health outcomes. They work together implementing policies and procedures that align with the mission and vision of our organization.

a woman and a young woman looking at a document

Meet Our Executive
Leadership Team

Meet Our
Departmental Directors