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Opening Times
Monday-Thursday: 8:00AM-6:00PM, Friday: 8:00AM-5:30PM, Saturday: 8:00AM-4:30PM, Sunday: CLOSED



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MyChart FAQs

MyChart is a free service offered to our patients.

Yes. You can use MyChart to schedule an appointment with your primary care team. Select “Make an Appointment” on the MyChart home screen and follow the prompts. If you want to schedule an appointment with a provider who does not appear on your list of options, select “Request an Appointment” and provide the details of the requested appointment. We will respond to your appointment request within two business days. You can use MyChart to cancel or reschedule visits up to the time of your appointment. You can also view future and past appointments.

You will usually receive an answer within 2 business days. MyChart should not be used for urgent problems. If you require attention right away, call your primary care provider’s office. In an emergency, dial 911.

Your test results are released to your MyChart account after your provider has reviewed them, usually within 1-14 days. Your provider decides which types of test results can be viewed in MyChart. Very sensitive tests are not released to MyChart.

Yes. You can use MyChart to access your child’s medical records and schedule appointments. This is called “proxy access.”

From birth through age 12: Parents and guardians can have full proxy access to their child’s medical records.

From age 13 through age 17: Proxy access ends automatically at age 13 unless your child agrees for you to have limited access (immunizations, allergies, and messaging only). If your teen is disabled, you can maintain full proxy access.

At age 18: Proxy access ends automatically. (If you are caring for a disabled adult, you can maintain full proxy access.)

Proxy access can only be granted in person while at the health center. Talk to your child’s provider or visit Patient Services for more information.

If you want to ask questions about a family member, you need proxy access (see above) to make sure the messages become part of the family member’s chart, instead of your own. If you don’t use proxy access, the information will not appear in the correct health record and could impact medical care.

Reset your password by clicking "Forgot Password?" on the MyChart sign-in page.

Absolutely. MyChart is safe, secure, and private. You must log in with a username and password to access your medical records. MyChart uses an encrypted connection that prevents others from seeing your information. Remember, always keep your user ID and password private and do not share them with anyone else.

Your health information in MyChart comes directly from your electronic medical record at your provider’s office. Next time you visit the health center, ask your provider to correct your information.

Log into MyChart. From the left menu, go to Preferences and click the option to update your email address or change your password. If you need to change your home address, you need to do that at your primary care provider’s office.

Send a secure message using the “Ask Customer Service” option within MyChart.